Setting up CSV files as a fulfillment method can be tricky, specially if these csv files are to be viewed in Excel. Different versions of Excel can view csv files differently, sometimes fields look jumbled up or scattered. Here are some tips to avoid errors:
1. Fields that include characters like (/, \, commas, semicolons, etc..) need to be inserted between double quotes. Fields like the Address, special messages, usually include commas, inserting them between double quotes can resolve any errors.
Ex. $shipping_full_name$,"$shipping_company_name$","$shipping_address_1$","$shipping_address_2$"
2. Spaces can cause fields to look jumbled up. Remove spaces between the Request Text Variables in the csv header and row.
Ex. $shipping_country$,$shipping_phone$,$shipping_email$,$shipping_method$,$order_comment$,